Biosauna - check out what distinguishes it, who can use it, and what you will gain from regular visits from this type of sauna.
Continue reading Biosauna – czym się wyróżnia?Author: admin
Sauna in the summer - why is it worth it?
Sauna in the summer? Check out below why you should also enjoy this type of bath in the warmer season.
Autumn and winter time in a special way encourages the use of saunas. Here we can warm up, and at least for a while escape from the unpleasant aura. However, sauning in summer also has its own unique benefits.
Continue reading Sauna latem – dlaczego warto?The most popular sauna treatments
In the following post, you will learn what sauna treatments are worth using, and what you need to keep in mind during a session to benefit from all the properties.
Continue reading Najpopularniejsze zabiegi w saunieInfrared sauna - how it works and the advantages of using it
Recent research has focused on Infrared (IR) saunas. Infrared saunas show a number of positive health-promoting properties.
Interestingly, even children can use this sauna, and pregnant women (with the approval of the attending physician, of course).
No matter which type of sauna we use, it will certainly have a positive impact on our well-being and health.
Continue reading Sauna infrared – sposób działania oraz zalety korzystaniaSauna and pregnancy
Sauna and pregnancy - this is a frequently searched query of pregnant women. Most pregnant women, because of their condition, do not want to give up their current activities - but some of them are prohibited. Check below how the situation is in the case of the sauna.
Continue reading Sauna a ciążaSauna and the cold
Does a sauna help with a cold?
Sauna and the cold - this is a very common topic. It is certainly a rather controversial issue. There are both proponents of using the sauna during a cold and opponents of it.
Continue reading Sauna a przeziębienieFinnish sauna - what should you know about it?
Finnish sauna is becoming more and more popular. If you are not yet using it check out how much you are missing out on.
In the following article, you will learn about the history of sauntering, interesting facts about Finns, as well as the health and spiritual benefits of regular sauna time.
Continue reading Sauna fińska – co powinieneś o niej wiedzieć?Accessories for the sauna, that is, what to take with you to the sauna ?
Sauna accessories are an extremely important issue.
Sauntering is a very healthful practice. However, you need to remember both safety issues, and hygiene. In the following article we have prepared a set of the most necessary accessories, so that you can indulge in this relaxing activity without worrying about your health.
Continue reading Akcesoria do sauny, czyli co warto zabrać ze sobą na saunowanie ?Felt or wool sauna cap? Which one should you choose?
Felt or wool sauna cap? Which one to choose? Table of contents:
Felt sauna cap - why shouldn't we use it?
Why should we avoid polyester?
Continue reading Czapka do sauny filcowa czy wełniana? Którą wybrać?How to use the sauna? - 10 most important rules
How to use a sauna properly?
How to use a sauna properly? This is the question many sauna enthusiasts ask themselves. The health benefits of using a sauna are many, but in order to sauna in the safest way possible - learn the rules of sauna use, which will make you reap only the benefits of this activity.
Continue reading Jak korzystać z sauny? – 10 najważniejszych zasad